How to automate Email campaign link click notifications in Slack using Zapier webhook ?
Follow the steps below to automate Email Campaign link notifications in Slack using Zapier webhook:
- Go to Zapier and click on Make a Zap or click here.
- Choose Webhooks from Zapier under When it happens and choose Catch Hook under Select and Search.
- Select Slack under Do this and select send Direct message under Select and Search.
- Click on Make a zap.
- Name your Zap and copy the Custom Webhook URL provided.
- Go to SalesHandy web app.
- Click on Webhooks under the Setting tab and click on New Webhook.
- Choose the settings accordingly:
- Module: Email Campaign
- Event: Email Link Click
- Webhook URL: <paste the webhook URL copied from Zapier>
- Click on Test and Save.
- Click Continue on the Zapier webpage.
- Click on Find Hook under Test your Connection.
- Choose Slack under Choose App and click on Send direct message under Choose Action Event.
- Hit Continue and click on Sign in to Slack.
- Once you are signed in, go back and turn on your Zap beside your Zap name.
- Fix the necessary fields like username, message text, etc and hit Continue.
- Click Test message to Slack.
Voila! you are all done!!!